Another week is almost over, 21 days to go before Christmas yey! Its been a tiring week for me with so many chuva ek eks to be done in the office... paperworks, commercial to be aired on TFC, whew talk about multi-tasking! Not that I'm complaining ( a little bit perhaps teeheee), my work keeps me up on my toes, i love my job not because it puts food on the table but because everyday I turn into a person more adept in handling the rigors of the corporate life.. I handle people and being the people-person that I am, that is a plus.
I've learned not quite so long ago that relationships borne in an office environment, like any other relationship that comes out of it, could lead into just two categories: either it blossoms into a full-pledged friendship or it withers like a plant and dies... I've had the fortune and the misfortune of being thrown into both.
I met great friends: Babs, Trixie, Karina, Jose, Allan (they're my bosses but bosses can be friends too right?), Teena, Dee (my better half when we first started working a year & a half ago), Bryan my parts (my other half), Juvy our QB master (teeheee), and the boys of course from the IT department. For those who know me and the people I work with, there seems to be some (one) omissions (that is DELIBERATE! mind you).
I am a novice in this corporate world guys but I know im not stupid nor lazy; i know how to bend my back, work my a** and earn a decent living. I dont have to suck up the bosses so I can climb the job ladder nah! that never has been my style and never will be, and that one STUPID remark reallly irked me and I vowed I will never ever "forgive" the person who said that, texted that or sent it over Yahoo Messenger! Geez! How can a person be so dense huh? Some friend that person (?) turned out to be - yeah right!
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